How To Listen

Podcasts are everywhere, these days, with so many topics to choose from. There are many people out there who still don’t know what podcasts are or how to listen to them. This is where this blog will come in handy! Here is a guide on how to listen to Working It: A Careers Podcast straight from our website.

At ‘Working It’ we decided to publish our weekly episodes straight to our website rather than through music streaming services, such as Spotify or Apple Music. We understand that not everyone has access to these streaming sites and as careers is a subject close to everyone, we wanted our podcasts to be accessible to as many people as possible.

The only way to listen to our podcast is through our website on a web browser like Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge. Under each interview there is an audio player, where you can listen in-browser. You can listen to our episodes when you are on the go through your phone or when chilling out with your tablet or computer device.

To check out all of the episodes we have published so far check out our podcast page. You can also keep up to date with our upcoming episodes and blogs by signing up to our newsletter.

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