Celebrating Female Creators With Elizabeth Moran

As part of International Women’s Day we are celebrating female creators and the challenge they face within their careers.
Elizabeth is a graphic designer at Randox. Alongside her partner, Elizabeth turned her love for video into a business called Squint Creative. Elizabeth uses her skills to create content and build branding for a range of different businesses. 

What challenges have you faced as a woman within your career?

I think it’s incredibly challenging to be a career driven woman, we are systematically placed on an uneven playing field. My first experience of gender discrimination in the workplace happened when I was working for a car insurance company, a man on the phone asked to speak to another man as he felt a woman could not provide him with an accurate car insurance quote. Since I’ve moved into the field of graphic design and founded my own agency the discrimination has not disappeared, I have experienced everything in the workplace from imposter syndrome to sexual harassment on a photoshoot. I feel as women we have a tendency to minimise as a coping mechanism, the main way I have learnt to deal with these challenges is through standing up for myself, my opinion and my skills.
The sum of your experiences does not define you, you are as valuable as any other human in the room. I’m also very aware that as a white female I’m also in a position of incredible privilege, it’s also our duty to stand up for voices that are further suppressed than us, practice intersectional feminism and amplify females that aren’t afforded the same opportunities as yourself.

Who is your female role model?

I think my biggest female role model would have to be my mammy, I know that’s going to be a typical Irish girl answer but I look up to her so much, she has always been a career woman, and so driven, she has always wanted to help people but also has a sharp tongue and is never afraid to stand up for herself and the things she believes in. I think the juxtaposition of the softness and hardness I see in her is an incredible quality and it’s something I try to emulate in myself as I can be a bit of a walkover. I think I’m more inspired by everyday females like my friends, family, clients and colleagues. I’m constantly in awe of the amazing things all the females around me achieve and endure on a daily basis.

What advice would you give to future generations?

Ignore any stereotypes or glass ceilings that are imposed on you. Try and make a career out of something you genuinely love doing and empower other females as you grow. There is plenty of room for everyone no matter your industry, another woman’s success is not detrimental to yours. Try to become allies with your competition and support each other, you probably have more in common than you think.

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