Student Guides

Wait…so why do we procrastinate again?

We’ve all done it. Spent hours and hours scrolling on social media to put off sending that email. Or started binge watching a new tv series to forget about the mountain of work in your peripheral vision. It is so tempting to just give yourself another half hour or so before starting work, but sometimes …

Wait…so why do we procrastinate again? Read More »


Let’s Talk About Student Grants, Bursaries and Scholarships

What Is The Difference Between Grants, Bursaries and Scholarships? Student grants are offered by the government for students with specific circumstances or needs. Grants are free money that you do not need to pay back so it’s a good idea to check what is available to you and how you can apply. A scholarship is a type …

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How To Tackle Group Interviews

Group interviews can be difficult to tackle, especially if you are already concerned about one-to-one interviews! This short read will give you the top tips for excelling in a group interview, even if you haven’t had the time to prepare for one. Congratulations, you have secured a job interview! As you travel to the interview …

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What To Do In Your Gap Year?

As you enter the final year of sixth form you will hear a lot of questions including ‘what university have you applied for?’ or ‘what are your plans after leaving school?’ If you do not know the answer yet, then don’t worry – you are not alone! One of the most popular options for that …

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The Four Best Ways To Network As A Student

Networking is something that we hear a lot about these days. Unfortunately, the importance of networking isn’t usually discussed in the classroom or university. As a result of this, after graduating one of the main questions on a lot os student’s minds is, ‘What exactly is networking and why is it so important?’ We have made …

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